Monday, February 11, 2008

Tagging for Learning Library 2.0

For the learning library 2.0 program at my work, I've been learning more about tagging. I began exploring the website and found that it was very useful to be able to save a site by bookmarking it. At first, this was very exciting, but when I got to school and found a site that I wanted to bookmark, I couldn't because the computer that I was using didn't have the needed buttons. I was at a loss, because my school doesn't allow us to download anything.
Although it is very useful to have the bookmarks on my home computer, I found that the only websites that I visit frequently were e-mail related, and it was just as easy to type in the URL as it was to use the tagging button.

As for reference purposes, I found that it was not as effective as google, yahoo or msn. I tried searching for the official website of the twilight series. I typed twilight and on google, yahoo and msn it came up as one of the first four hits; but on I had to search through a whole page before I found what I was looking for. In this case, was not the most effective site to use.

I also tested out how sensitive the site was to mis-spellings. I typed in dinosors and came up with 0-results, whereas google had a link that said, "did you mean dinosaurs?" I clicked the link and it automatically changed the mis-spelling.

Overall, was not a very effective site.

1 comment:

Radical Rex said...

What good is a website that can't find anything about dinosaurs? ;) I feel pretty much the same way about delicious Mel, I think it's pretty ridiculous that there isn't a button free way of saving links to your delicious profile and I hadn't even thought about a situation like school computers that don't allow installation. The same is probably true for our public computers here at the library, if patrons can't even use it I doubt we'll get many questions about it and that makes me doubt we should even learn about it.